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Throwing Axe Pro

Why Throwing axe pro?


We throw axes ourselves!

My dad and I started this company because we thought there was room for improvement in the axes that existed on the market. I've personally been throwing axes for 16 years now, and got tired of hard-to-replace wooden handles getting chummed up, and poor design leading to axes that were hard or inconvenient to throw. We got together to design something that could go camping just fine but also would be made ground-up for the best throwing experience.

Axe Head modeled after tomahawk head

The heads of our axes come to a point an inch past the top of the head. They will still stick at a 90 degree angle from the target, leading to a wider range from which you can successfully land a throw without over-rotating the axe.

Paracord grip is hand-wrapped and eay to replace

Anyone who throws axes regularly has hit the handle of an axe they have already stuck while throwing a second axe. The wood handles get chummed up and can be hard to replace, and the plastic/rubber handles chunk or break. We have a single-piece design wrapped with paracord, which can be quickly re-wrapped if struck by a second blade flying in from behind. If you hit the stainless steel neck of the axe, it can be easily filed down to remove nicks. Long story short - broken, messed up handles are a thing of the past. And the initial wrap-job will be tighter than almost any factory wrap on earth because I care about the process that makes our products.